Fraction Conversion

Fraction Conversion

Fraction Decimal Fraction Decimal
1/64 0.015625 33/64 0.515625
1/32                    0.03125  17/32                   0.53125
3/64 0.046875 35/64 0.546875
1/16                    0.0625   9/16                    0.5625
5/64 0.078125 37/64 0.578125
3/32                    0.09375   19/32                   0.59375
7/64 0.109375 39/64 0.609375
1/8                     0.125  5/8                     0.625
9/64 0.140625 41/64 0.640625
5/32                    0.15625  21/32                   0.65625
11/64 0.171875 43/64 671875
3/16                    0.1875  11/16                   0.6875
13/64 0.203125 45/64 0.703125
7/32                    0.21875  23/32                   0.71875
15/64 0.234375 47/64 0.734375
1/4                     0.25  3/4                     0.75
17/64 0.265625 49/64 0.765625
 9/32                    0.28125   25/32                   0.78125
19/64 0.296875 51/64 0.796875
 5/16                    0.3125  13/16                   0.8125
21/64 0.328125 53/64 0.828125
11/32                   0.34375  27/32                   0.84375
23/64 0.359375 55/64 0.859375
3/8                     0.375  7/8                     0.875
25/64 0.390625 57/64 0.890625
13/32                   0.40625  29/32                   0.90625
27/64 0.421875 59/64 0.921875
 7/16                    0.4375  15/16                   0.9375
29/64 0.453125 61/64 0.953125
 15/32                   0.46875  31/32                   0.96875
31/64 0.484375 63/64 0.984375
 1/2                     0.5 1 1

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